Resultology for SAP Insights

SAP Knowledge Assurance

Written by Ross Barnes-Moore | 05-Oct-2022 14:16:01

Could the last person to leave please turn the lights off ?

With an ageing workforce and SAP skills becoming scarcer now than they were in 1997, it's critical that your people know how your SAP system works.


Do you have SAP insurance?

There's a big difference between training and knowledge transfer.

All of your business people need some form of training in your SAP application and business processes.

But knowledge is much deeper rooted. It's the intrinsic and implicit understanding of how your SAP solution has been built, configured, customised and organised.

Knowing what you don't know is the insurance policy that you need in place should any one of your SAP enabled business processes suddenly fail.


Hope isn't strategy when it comes to SAP knowledge

Retaining SAP people is getting harder. The lure of new technologies and the spectre of an ageing workforce is driving higher rates of churn.


  • Quantifiable knowledge levels and gaps.
  • Prioritised knowledge transfer plans.
  • Structured knowledge transfer during programmes, outsourcing and insourcing.
  • Greater confidence in your business continuity plans.
  • Ability to size, restructure or optimise SAP delivery teams with confidence.
  • Objective measurement your SAP skills and knowledge.