Climate Positive SAP Consultancy
Becoming greener and more sustainable
When big businesses do business, they use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software to process everything from sales orders to manufacturing and distribution.
When it comes to carbon and how big business can adjust ways of working to be more carbon friendly, we’re close to the action.
In our consulting, we will do everything possible to ensure that sustainability is on our customer’s agenda. We’ll ask the important (and sometimes difficult) questions of them to ensure that we’re playing our part in ensuring they play their part in becoming Carbon Net Zero.

Our goal is to help customers become greener and more sustainable.
We do this by educating them on the role SAP has to play in climate change, and helping them to implement systems and processes to monitor and reduce their carbon footprint.
When it comes to climate change, SAP has a massive role to play:
- Measuring the environmental impact of business processes
- Understanding the carbon footprint of your supply chain
- Setting and monitoring sustainability KPIs
Resulting Carbon Optimization Plan
Since 1st November 2021, Resulting IT has been a carbon positive business.
Our primary focus is on reforestation and rewilding as both effective and cost effective methods of absorbing C02.
A selection of the projects we’ve invested in are:
- Planting Mangroves in Madagascar
- Brazil Nut Concessions in Madre de Dios
- Mai Ndombe forest protection
You can read more here about Resulting’s Carbon Positive activity here.
To this day we are committed to implementing further measures to remain carbon positive as we grow. This will include initiatives that directly link our success as a business to investment in carbon regeneration projects.
This includes undertaking a 2022 Sustainability Research Project and planting a Mangrove Tree for every submission in our survey (up to 100,000 submissions).
Resulting Carbon Reduction Plan
In addition to investing in projects that absorb C02, we also aim to reduce our carbon output as a business.
We offer Electric Vehicles to all employees - with subsidies and incentives of approx 14% of the cost towards monthly payments.
We offer an Electric Cycle to Work scheme for all employees.
You can download our full carbon reduction plan here.
Snack on SAP thought leadership...
When you hire advisors, you want them to have experience. But you probably also want people who can help shape and provoke your thoughts. The Resulting team take great pride in thinking, distilling their thoughts and putting them down on paper...